Fat Dissolving Injections with Juvaslim

Body Sculpt
15 Minutes

Our fat dissolving injections offer a non-surgical solution to stubborn fat. Using targeted injections to break apart, dissolve, and remove fat cells permanently, this treatment can help you look your best without the risk of surgery or downtime. They are a highly effective way to create a more defined body by eliminating the fat cells that accumulate in problem areas. 

* 3-4 treatments recommended

How does it work? 

A series of injections will melt away the fat on your body. The non-surgical procedure takes place during a short appointment and does not require any incisions. The medication is a compound containing a synthesised deoxycholic acid and phosphatidylcholine (PC/DA), similar to that found in the digestive system. (PC/DA) is widely used to reduce localised fat deposits with mild adverse effects.

PC/DA works by breaking down fats in our digestive system, and when injected into fatty areas, it breaks down fat cells. The body then absorbs and expels the fat through the lymphatic system as a waste product. The result is a slimming of the treated area, and the destroyed fat cells will not regenerate.

What to expect? 

Our fat dissolving treatments are safe, quick, and painless. The procedure is comfortable and virtually painless. After treatment there may be slight redness and tenderness in the treated area. This reaction is a normal result of the injection, which will disappear after 24 to 48 hours. 

Our pledge 

The Fat Dissolving Injections with Juvaslim are an effective way of removing stubborn fat with no downtime. Our experienced team will provide a tailored and personalised solution to ensure that you get optimum results. 



  • Submental Fat (double chin) $350
  • Includes complimentary compression garment
  • Lower Abdomen $990
  • Flanks (love handles) $990


Rhianna Leahy

Rhianna is a registered nurse with over 10 years of nursing experience. Originally from the NSW south coast, she relocated to Sydney to complete her Bachelor of Nursing at the Australian Catholic University.