truSculpt iD

Body Sculpt
30 Minutes
Non Invasive

The truSculpt ID is one of the most technologically advanced body sculpting solutions. The truSculpt ID targets the entire fat layer, resulting in an average of 24% fat reduction. This revolutionary device ensures your full abdomen or multiple areas can be treated simultaneously with no down-time. The versatility of the hand piece offers one of the most personalised treatment plans available on the market. 


Prices are dependent on how many hand pieces are required, an in-person consultation is recommended for an exact price. The following can be used as an estimate: 

  • Abdomen requires 2-6 handpieces
  • Flanks requires 2-4 hand pieces
  • Dorsal Rolls requires 2-4 hand pieces
  • Outer Thighs requires 2-4 hand pieces
  • Inner thighs requires 2-6 hand pieces
  • Banana roll requires 2-6 hand pieces
  • Knees requires 2-4 hand pieces
  • Arms requires 2-4 hand pieces

The submental area/double chin requires 2-4 treatments at $350/treatment, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

How does it work? 

TruSculpt iD is a nonsurgical body contouring treatment that uses innovative mono-polar radio-frequency (RF) technology to destroy fat cells. TruSculpt ID is clinically proven to provide the highest level of comfort and safety during your treatment so you can feel and look your best without feeling any pain. 

What to expect? 

There is minimal discomfort during a truSculpt iD treatment. The warming sensation of the treatment is often compared to the feeling of a hot stone massage. You will be able to resume normal activities and exercise immediately following the treatment. After the procedure, the treatment area will be warm and flushed for up to one hour. You may experience mild touch sensitivity for a few days.

How is it different from other body sculpting procedures?

The truSculpt ID treatment can help you achieve your ideal body image by contouring and shaping your problem areas. With truSculpt iD, you can treat any stubborn fat on your body, exactly where you need it most. This is different from many other body sculpting treatments, which are restricted by their applicators. TruSculpt iD is also unique among body sculpting procedures because it treats unwanted fat and loose skin at the same time. 

Our pledge 

The truSculpt ID treatment is a highly effective way to achieve your body shape goals.  Our experienced team will provide a tailored and personalised solution to ensure that you get optimum results.



Prices are dependent on how many hand pieces are required, an in-person consultation is recommended for an exact price. The following can be used as an estimate: 

  • 1-6 hand pieces charged at $300 per hand piece
  • 7-12 hand pieces charged at $275 per hand piece
  • 13+ hand pieces charged at $250 per hand piece


Jacinta Oriti-Woolley

Founder Jacinta, originally from Brisbane, commenced her career path by starting a dual Paramedics/Nursing Degree.